After prolonged rain, it is common for strange spot-like growths to appear on the bark of trees.
These growths can occur overnight and can come in a variety of colors and textures. Most often
they are hairy and film-like in color, such as green, white or yellow. So, what are these strange
globules on your beloved landscaping trees? Well, they are called tree lichens and they are
basically harmless to trees and their surroundings. However, since it is generally considered
unattractive, you may be interested in getting rid of it and preventing it from happening again.
Read on to learn more about tree lichen, including causes, treatment, and prevention strategies.
Tree lichens are unique in that they are actually two organisms, a fungus and an alga, combined
into one. These two organisms form a symbiotic, or mutually beneficial, relationship. The fungi
collect the moisture the algae need to survive, and through photosynthesis, the algae convert solar
To remove tree lichen, you will need a soft brush, mild dish soap, clean water, and gloves. Use
gentle pressure to remove moss from the bark, first dipping a brush in clean water and mild dish
soap. Let the bark dry completely. You can also spray the tree with a solution of copper sulfate or
lime sulfur. However, these methods only destroy the mold and should only be applied in late
spring when the weather is warmer.
The best way to prevent tree lichen is to modify the environment so that the tree is a less suitable
target for fungal and algae growth. Tree moss grows in cool, moist environments. So, change these
conditions and tree lichen will become a thing of the past. You can also thin the tree’s canopy to
absorb more sunlight. Also, if you have an automatic sprinkler system, avoid touching the bark of
the tree.
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grinding, stump removal, tree trimming, tree mulching, tree pruning and emergency tree removal
in Nuffalo NY USA!