Signs that a tree may fall

    When it comes to Mother Nature, there are many ways to do harm. Trees are one of the most common causes of easily preventable property damage. Homes with tall trees are beautiful to look at, but it’s important to watch for signs that trees are in danger of tipping over.   Trees can […]

The best way to prevent trees from falling on your house

When the aftermath of a major storm is shown on the news, we usually see trees falling from roofs and destroying the houses below them. Looking at those stunning images, you can understand why some of us get anxious every time a violent storm passes by. It’s impossible to control Mother Nature, but  WNY Treescape […]

The importance of hiring a professional to fell trees

The importance of hiring a professional to fell trees Tree removal is a complex job that can be dangerous if not handled by someone who knows what they are doing. Whenever a tree needs to be removed or pruned, you should call a professional company like WNY Treescape tree services. Our skilled professionals have the […]

Caring for trees before and after a big storm

Caring for trees before and after a big storm Storms and strong winds can fall in trees and branches in winter. This is normal, but large wooden branches can fall into cars, buildings or courtyards, allowing them to be dangerous. Weak trees can also show security risks for people passing by. Caring for trees before […]

What should we do when the tree falls into my house?

What should we do when the tree falls into my house? The storm is always a confusing personality that confuses the owner. Think not only worry about safety, but also think about potential damage to your property. The storm requires millions of gallons and destroys immediately. They attack the surrounding area with electricity and strong […]

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